Monday 3 January 2011

Today's receipe-Thamukku

This is a special dish for those who like sweets. let us have a look how to prepare it...


palayamkodan banana(it is available in kerala)[you can use the banana availble in your place]---1/2 kg
grated coconut-1 cup
cuminseed ; cardomom powder-1/2 teaspoon.
[take cardomom seed and cuminseed in equal proportion and fry in thin flame until it gets golden brown colour. then  powder it.]
take a 2 cups of brown rice fry it and powder it.

First make jaggery syrup, it should be thick in which you add the grated coconut , cumin and cardamom powder. let it cook for sometime. then switch off the stove and allow it to cool.after cooling this, add the banana pieces and powdered rice. mix it. don't mash the banana pieces. Enjoy the dish.

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